Tender Pouch(M)(S)(XS)
”About delivery date”
Shipped within 3 business days after purchaseClosed every Monday and during the year-end and New Year holidays from 12/29 to 1/5Please understand this before purchasing.
Products that are out of stock will be pre-ordered.
"About shipping charges
All over Japan¥580(Sagawa Express)
"About product returns and exchanges"
If you receive a defective or defective product, please rest assured that we will take responsibility for returning or exchanging it.(*Please see the return policy at the bottom of the website for details)
"Product name"
Tender pouch
Tender pouch with ring handle is sold separatelyBeltstrap14mm
It can also be used as a shoulder pouch by attaching it toMultistrap etc.
Size M
・Convenient size for storing passports, passbooks, pens, seals, etc.
Height 14.3/Width18.3cm
Size S
・Can be used as a wallet by storing cards, bills, coins, etc.
Height 10.5/width 14cm
Size XS
・Can be used to store coins, earphones, small items, etc.
Height 7 x Width 11cm
・Domestic full vegetable tanned soft leather
We use domestic full vegetable tanned cowhide from Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, the largest leather production area in Japan.
・The aging process will vary depending on the individual usage situation, but the more you use it, the more glossy it becomes and the deeper the color becomes.
・There is a possibility of discoloration, color transfer, oil transfer, etc.
Also, since natural leather is used, the leather may have scratches, grains, wrinkles, etc.Please note
We hope you will enjoy the characteristics of natural leather based on the above points.
For more details on the leather used, please see below.
By taking care of your leather products regularly, you can greatly extend the lifespan of your leather products, allowing them to continue to be used for even longer and enjoy more beautiful aging.
Please see below for care if you feel dry due to usage conditions etc.
"Options that can be added"
①Gift wrapping
②Message letter
③Maintenance kit (leather care products)
Options can be added to ①Gift wrapping and ②Message letter, which are recommended as gifts.
Please see below for further details.
Gift wrapping&message letter page
Options can be added to ③Maintenance kit, which is recommended for daily leather care.
Please see below for further details.
Go to the Maintenance Kit product page